Wisconsin Dartball
ICal Instructions
  1. Go to calendar.google.com.
  2. On the left side go to "Other Calendars" and click on the dropdown.
  3. Cick on plus, and click "From URL".
  4. Enter the URL of the calendar which you want to subscribe to.
  5. Click on "Add Calendar" and wait for Google to import your events.
  1. On the Calendar page, click Schedules and Internet calendars.
  2. In Cozi, click Settings, and then click Calendar.
  3. On the Schedules and Internet calendars page, click Internet calendar.
  4. Paste the URL into the text box in the Calendar URL field.
  5. Click Add to add the Internet calendar to your Cozi account.

For any other caledars search the internet for "Add internet calendar (ical, ics) to xxxx" where xxxx is my calendar provider.