Wisconsin Dartball
JC Corners
Upcoming Matches
There are no upcoming matches.
Schedule Integration

Would you like to see your team's schedule show in your Google calendar, Yahoo calendar, Cozi calendar or some other calendar?

Once setup any changes in the current season as well as future season's schedule will be automatically reflected in your calendar.

Cozi Family Calendar

To add team's calendar copy the link below:

To add team's calendar and state-wide tournaments copy the link below:

Google Calendar

To add team's calendar to Google/Yahoo copy the link below:

To add team's calendar and state-wide tournaments to Google/Yahoo copy the link below:

See Instructions for Google and Cozi

Team News
2015-16 League Champs
created 03/31/2021 @ 2:33pm by Kim

EI036.jpg                    rkd.jpg

Standing (L to R): Ron O, Mark G, Mark R, Chad K, Rod B, Helm W,

George H, Andy O, Jeff K, Jeff J, Kneeling: Kim S, Earl of Monches



2019-20 League Champions
created 02/19/2021 @ 2:32pm by Kim

2019 E1.jpg