Wisconsin Dartball
My New League
Advanced League Statistics
Statistic Player Team Value
Most Runs In Inning One 5*
Largest Loss Two 5
Largest Avg Loss Differential Two 5.0
AB Hit Streak P1 One 2*
P2 One 2*
P3 One 2*
AB Hitless Streak Player1 Two 9*
Player 2 Two 9*
Player 3 Two 9*
Game Hit Streak P1 One 1*
P2 One 1*
P3 One 1*
Game Hitless Streak Player1 Two 1*
Player 2 Two 1*
Player 3 Two 1*
Hits in Night P1 One 2*
P2 One 2*
P3 One 2*
RBIs in Game P2 One 2*
P3 One 2*
RBIs in Night P2 One 2*
P3 One 2*

* - This Stat is calculated from statistics uploaded to the website from the Dartball Statistician app therfore only teams using the Dartball Statistician app are included in the results.

The Dartball Statistician can be downloaded to an Android device from the Google Play Store or an Amazon device from the Amazon Store.

In order to see these advanced statistics you will need to download the app to an Android device and enter game results at bat by at bat.
The app will then upload the results to the web site and update the Standings page, the Stat Leaders page, the Statistics page and the Statistics Advanced page.