Wisconsin Dartball
Hall of Fame

Jeff Mathwig

Ron Mathwig



0.580 in 1984
Lutheran League

Jeff started playing Dartball at 12 years old in 1975 for Good Shepherd in the Lutheran League. His Dad (Ron) and both Grandfathers got him started. For several years, Jeff batted .520 or higher and won high average in the league. He won many Lutheran tournaments. From 1980-1984 Jeff held averages of .560 - .580 in the Lutheran League and Thursday Tavern League. He played in many tournaments, and played for Good Shepherds teams in the 70's and 80's. He also played for Veteran's Park in the Milwaukee Thursday Night Tavern League and with Binder Plumbing tournament teams. He finished his Dartball career playing some years in the West Allis Classic 4 man league.

Nominated by his father Ron Mathwig

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