Wisconsin Dartball
Hall of Fame

James Hoenecke

Bob Leskovar



0.620 in 1983
Wisconsin Lutheran Dartball League ?

Jimmy Hoenecke started playing Dartball in 1977 at the age of 14, after watching his older brother John play for the church league team. As Jim got older, he was given the key to the church by his father, who was the pastor at Bethany Lutheran Church so he could practice. The church was near the church parsonage.

Over the years, Jim played in the Wisconsin Lutheran Dartball League (now the Jefferson County Dartball League) in Fort Atkinson, which he still plays. He also played in the Blackhawk Dartball League in Jefferson, the Eastern Wisconsin Dartball League in Howards Grove, the Interdenominational League in Sheboygan, the Cool City Dartball League in Two Rivers, the South Milwaukee 4 man league, and the Rock River 4 man league in watertown, which he still plays.

In his second year of church league, at the age of 15 he won the high average. His career high average was .620 in 1983. Jim is a career 500+ shooter. At the 1986 state tournament he won the individual batting championship in the B division hitting over .625. He has won the clutch 2 man tournament and the 4 man classic tournament in Milwaukee run by Bob Leskovar. He has won high average and RBI titles in some of the leagues he has played.  Also was a Class A state champion in 2009 with Hickory Inn, and sponsor and player of the 2017 and 2024 Class A state champions Hoenecke Painting teams. 

From Bob: "Jim has been a big part of the middle of our lineup for several years now. A great teammate, a great friend, and a guy that gets along with everyone. Jim is also a greta sponsor" Nominated by Bob Leskovar

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